Our 2024 Ambassador
About Joe
Joe is an 18-year old kid from Silver City, Iowa. He is a huge sports fan, especially for Michigan, and an avid golfer. Above else he is a kid of faith.
He was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma on August 21, 2021 a day after his first day as a Sophomore. On August 27, he went in for his first resection and stayed in the hospital for 87 days. Although there were some very tough nights, Joe was strong in his faith. He believes that God makes things happen for a reason.
In the last 3 years, Joe has endured countless treatments and has had 24 major surgeries. He is not currently cancer free, but he is strong in his faith and his recovery.
Joe recently represented as a Sunshine Kids National Spokeskids and spoke to over 5,000 attendees.
We are so excited to have Joe as this year’s Ambassador!